Thursday, October 30, 2008

List Table Rowcount and Size

Here's a handy way to get a list of table rowcounts and space used. If you've not used the sp_msforeachtable just plug in the question mark (?) as a token for the name of the table.

--create a temporary table to hold the results
CREATE TABLE #TableStats (
[name] varchar(128),
[rows] varchar(128),
[reserved] varchar(128),
[data] varchar(128),
[index_size] varchar(128),
[unused] varchar(128)
--loop through each table and populate the temp table
--NOTE: we can't use table variables with the sp_msforeachtable

sp_msforeachtable "INSERT INTO #TableStats EXEC sp_spaceused '?'"

SELECT * FROM #TableStats
--ORDER BY LEN([rows]) DESC, [rows] DESC --sort by # of rows
ORDER BY LEN([reserved]) DESC, [reserved] DESC --sort by space used
DROP TABLE #TableStats

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